Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Finding Your Divorce Wellness

              Divorce wellness is a real thing.  It isn’t an oxymoron. And it doesn’t magically appear. Divorce Wellness isn’t something that I (or anyone) can give you. You can’t buy Divorce Wellness off the shelf. I can tell you about it, can help lead you through it, but the work, the commitment, must be done by you.  I’m sorry – if I could give it to you, all wrapped up with a perfectly tied ribbon, I would, but that’s not how it works. I can, however, help you to find Divorce Wellness for yourself.

               For those of us who have been divorced, or who are divorcing, we know that there is a special kind of awful that often comes with the process and although a lot of people say “It is what it is” – The truth is: it doesn’t have to be this way! You can learn how to step through the muck and emerge into a new beautiful joyful normal. Really. I promise you that you can do it. I’m not saying it’s always easy.  For sure, divorce can throw us into a kind of grief and, as a wise grief counselor said, “You can go through grief, or you can grow through grief.” Yes, in a big way, divorce can suck AND, the great thing is that you can attain Divorce Wellness and live a really happy life thereafter!

               As a first step, try giving yourself permission to create the space for your own Divorce Wellness. Get intentional about it. Start by allowing yourself to acknowledge that there is a need and that it is permissible – necessary even – to allocate time and resources to get yourself where you want to be. Next, come up with “A Plan” – this could be done working on your own, working with a divorce coach (or a therapist), scouring the Internet for tips, or some other method. Your plan might not look the same as another person’s. The basics that I usually suggest include a regular meditation or grounding practice, creating a support network, getting physical, connecting with nature, and then more detailed actions (which could include learning about the divorce process, choosing an attorney, etc.) depending on what is needed in each situation.  

I have created a day-long Divorce Wellness Retreat to help you get back your joie de vivre, and then some. The retreat includes specific tips for how to achieve your own Divorce Wellness, general divorce information, restorative Yoga, a delicious catered lunch, and the creation of a safe and nurturing space in a beautiful location. If you want to learn more, please reach out to me with any questions – 510.210.3796;   Early bird registration before 9/20/2019.

Whatever path you choose, I wish you joy and contentment….

Divorce Wellness Event Details:
What: A day-long retreat designed to help people find their joy before, during, or after their divorce
When: October 26, 2019, 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Where: Gorgeous Sonoma County (address given upon registration)

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